AP System Battery Chart

AP System Batteries AP 200 AP 300 AP 300 S AP 500 S AR 2000 L AR 3000 L
Battery Charging Times - Minutes (80% / 100% capacity)
AL 101 Charger 150/200 190/250 230/300 280/355 - -
AL 301 Charger 40/55 50/75 55/80 70/90 220/290 330/430
AL 301-4 Charger 40/55 50/75 55/80 70/90 220/290 330/430
AL 501 Charger 30/45 - 30/45 40/55 110/150 170/220
Run Times per Battery Charge - Minutes 1
MSA 160 C-B 42 50 62 74 195 300
MSA 161 T** 42 50 62 74 195 300
MSA 200 C-B 35* 40 50 60 175 260
MSA 220 C-B 32* 37* 40 48 220* 310*
MSA 220 TC-O** 16* 25* 29 34 109* 174*
MSA 300 C-O - - - 44-20 - -
HTA 66 46 55 68 82 195 300
HTA 86 46 55 68 82 195 300
HTA 135 22* 35 45 54 160 240
HTA 150 30 47 60 68 222 333
HTA 160 45 56 70 80 262 393
KMA 120 R (FS-KM line head)2 30-14* 38-18 47-22 54-26 200 300
KMA 135 R(FS-KM line head)2 28-14* 36-17 45-22 54-28 160-80 200-115
FSA 86 R (line head) 35 42 52 62 185 280
FSA 120 (line head) 30 40 50 60 200 300
FSA 120 R (line head) 30 40 50 60 200 300
FSA 135 (line head)2 28-17* 36-19 45-25 54-30 160-90 220-130
FSA 135 R (line head)2 28-17* 36-19 45-25 54-30 160-90 220-130
FSA 200 (line head) 21-11* 24-14 32-17 40-20 116-62 170-92
FSA 200 R (line head) 21-11* 24-14 32-17 40-20 116-62 170-92
FCA 135 28* 35 45 52 165 250
FCA 140 28* 35 45 52 165 250
HSA 66 (Discontinued) 144 180 223 268 717 1,043
HSA 100 150 180 225 270 730 1,100
HSA 130 R2 108-84 135-105 167-130 200-155 690-565 985-800
HSA 130 T2 108-84 135-105 167-130 200-155 690-565 985-800
HLA 66 144 180 223 268 715 1,040
HLA 86 144 180 223 268 715 1,040
HLA 135 (145º) 64 77 95 114 345 520
HLA 135 K (145º) 64 77 95 114 345 520
HLA 135 K (0º) 64 77 95 114 345 520
BGA 86 17 21 26 31 90 140
BGA 1003 66-12* 83-16 103-20 123-24 320-65 510-95
BGA 2003 49-7* 78-12 95-14 114-17 315-53 500-85
BGA 3003 - - 50-20 58-24 97-48* 140-61
SGA 85 1,000 - - - - -
TSA 230 14* 18 22 26 80 125
Working Range per Battery Charge -Sq.Ft. 1
RMA 510 - 3,056 3,616 4,542 - -
RMA 510 V - 2,583 3,078 3,842 - -
RMA 765 V4 - - - 5,166 22,066 33,368

*Reduced tool performance.
Note: Battery/tool combinations providing the best balance, adequate run time, and performance are shown in bold.
1The battery run time and working range specifications for each battery are estimates and may vary depending on usage and application.
2Level 1 – Level 3
3Level 1 – Boost
4When used with the ADA 1000
**WARNING: If using an AR System battery or AP System battery in a battery bag with connecting cord, always use a lift bucket for in-tree surgery and maintenance.
Do NOT climb in the tree.